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Walter Battistini  

(Marianela Moreorless)

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Walter was born in Argentina and has studied ballet on National scholarships in Argentina from the Foundation for the Arts.   He was a finalist for the Prix de Lausanne and has graduate and post graduate work in dance at the Superior Institute of Art of the Teatro Colon.  He continues his dance studies at the prestigious Universidad Nacional de Cuyo, Mendoza of Argentina.

He has danced with Akjun Ballet Theater of New York, Vendimia de Godoy Cruz Dance Company, is an original member of Les Ballet Eloelle, and is featured in Les Ballets Eloelle’s “Men in Pink Tights” video.

Is pretty much, take or give a little one of the best little ballerinas in her social circle.   This princess from the Pampas learned to dance on the back of a steer and that’s no bull.  Her high flying moves as a rodeo queen made her more or less a cowgirl ballerina that drew crowds from near and far to watch her roping, bumping and grinding technique.  Her competition said she was less of a cowgirl and more of a—well… money maker shaker which got her barred from the corral. Her career at the cowgirl circuit more or less took a nose dive and she traded her hat in for a tiara and voila, became Argentina’s first bovine ballerina, and received the coveted Angus prize for Argentina’s best female mooovement innovator. 

Udderly delightful,l Marianela is basically, a large eyed wonder that will still occasionally rope and release at exhibitions much to the chagrin of her ballerina bffs.   We would never steer you wrong, Marianela has a triple A rating from the Beef Association. 


634 Bunker Rd, WPB FL 33405

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Monday - Friday: 9:00am - 5:00pm

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